Muddy boots

Muddy boots
Messy hands

Tuesday 20 January 2015

Guilty pleasures

It's 9am and I have lots to do. Unusually,  for the first time in years,  I am not doing regular school runs as Firstborn gets the school bus, Littlest just has a couple of days at preschool and Middle child is waiting for a school place to be available.  This,  coupled with the fact I am still being woken up by Littlest every night means I am struggling to get going in the mornings. I am determined to be better and provide more structure for the children,  but after several days of tending to fluey children at night I am exhausted.  So, despite my long 'to do' list I find myself back in bed with a cup of tea, waiting for the bath to run. I may have accidentally tidied up the last sliver of coffee cake too... (try adding a couple of squares of melted white chocolate to coffee icing, it's delicious). I have given this post the title 'guilty pleasures', but actually I am not guilty about it. I am learning to be kinder to myself and if I am more relaxed the children will be too. The dog will get walked, the children will learn useful things,  my admin tasks will get done and food will be cooked. Just not yet!


1 comment:

  1. Just a quick update: bread, pizza and cake made, admin done, characters developed for a story, discussion about animals and their habitats and toy train track assembled. There are more items on the list but it's going well so far. Here's to lazy starts!
